Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lesson 4: At the Airport

Part 1: Confirming your Flight

Usually the day before your flight, you should call the airline company to confirm the flight, making sure that you are on their list of passengers with the correct flight number, date and time.

· Would you confirm my flight, please?
· Can you check my flight details please?
· (Yes, certainly / Certainly sir/madam)
· (Could I have your flight details, please?)
-Yes, __________________________________.
· (Could I have the date of your flight, please?)
-It’s on _____________________.
· (What’s your flight number?)
-It’s ______________.

Part 2: Checking In

· (May I see your ticket and passport, please?)
-Yes, here you are.
· (Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?)
-I would prefer a ________________.
· (How many bags are you checking in?)
-Just / Only _________________.
· (Could you place your bags on the scale, please?)
-Yes/ Certainly
· (Did you pack these bags yourself?)

-Yes, I did.
· (Do you have any carry-on luggage?)
-Yes, just this.

Questions that you may have:
· Is the flight on time?
· When will they call the flight?
· Can I take these bags as carry-on luggage?
· Which gate is it?

Sample Dialogue:

Passenger: Can I check in here for flight ______________.

Clerk: Yes, may I see your ticket and passport, please?

Passenger: Yes, here you go.

Clerk: Fine, would you like a aisle seat or a window seat?


Clerk: Do you have any bags to check?

Passenger: Yes, I have ________________.

Clerk: Could you put them on the scales please?

Passenger: Yes/Certainly.

Clerk: Did you pack these bags yourself?

Passenger: Yes, I did.

Clerk: That’s fine. Here’s your boarding pass. Please go to gate _____ when the flight is called. Have a good flight.

Part 3: Airport Announcement

Sometimes, when we are waiting for the flight, airport announcement may come up saying the gate of some flights has been changed.

Listening Activity: What flight changes have been made due to the announcement?

I was walking through the airport to Gate 11 to catch my flight when I heard this announcement:

“Attention passengers on English Air flight 232 to Boise. The departure gate has been changed. The flight will now be leaving from Gate 26.”

That was my flight! I looked at the flight information monitors, turned around, and walked in the opposite direction. As I was approaching Gate 26, there was another announcement:

“This is an announcement for passengers on flight 232 to Boise. The flight has been delayed due to bad weather conditions. The flight crew has arrived at the gate, but the ground crew is still de-icing the wings of the aircraft. Our new departure time is 10:50 AM.”

I thought the gate agent was done, but she had another announcement to make:

“I’m afraid that flight 232 is overbooked. We’re looking for passengers who are willing to take a later flight in exchange for a travel voucher worth $300. Any passenger who is interested should see an agent at Gate 26.”

Oh, no, I thought. I hope I don’t get bumped from this flight. Fortunately, a few minutes later, I heard this. It was music to my ears.

“We are now ready for boarding.”

Part 4: Would you like Beef or Fish?

On an airplane, the flight attendants will you different items that will make your trip more comfortable…or you may request those items yourself…..
· Could I have ______________________,please?
· May I have _______________________, please?
· I would like ____________________, please?
(things you may ask for: newspapers, drinks, pillow, blanket, headset,etc.)

· (Would you like ______________________, sir/madam?)
-Yes, please.
-No, thank you.
-I’m sorry. I don’t understand.
-Sorry. Could you repeat that, please?
-Could you say that more slowly, please?
· (Would you like beef or fish?)
· Can I get you _________________?

Sample Dialogue:

Attendant: Would you like ______________?

Passenger: I would like ___________________ please.

Attendant: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank You.

Attendant: What would you like to drink?

Passenger: __________________________.

Attendant: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you.

Part 5: Flight Connection

When you have a flight connection, make sure that you go to the correction section: domestic flight means flight destination within that country, international flight means flight destination outside that country.

Part 6: Going through the Immigrant

· (Can I have your passport, please?)
-Yes, here you are.
· (May I see your embarkation card, please?)
-Yes, here it is.
· (What’s the purpose of your visit?)
-I’m here on business/vacation/to study.
· (Where will you be staying?)
-I will be staying at _______________________.
· (How long will you be staying?)
-About _________________.
· (What’s your occupation in Japan?)
-I’m ____________________.
· (What do you do?)
-I __________________________.
· (How much money do you have?)
· (Do you have anything to declare?)
-Yes, I have _______________.
-No, I don’t have anything to declare.

Other questions they might ask:

· What’s your nationality?
· Are you travelling alone?

Questions you might ask:

· Do I have to pay duty?
· Where so I pay?
· Can I pay with ____dollars/ credit cards?

Sample Dialogue:

Officer: May I see your passport and embarkation card, please?

Passenger: Yes, here they are.

Officer: What’s your job in Japan?

Passenger: I’m _____________________.

Officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?

Passenger: I’m ______________________.

Officer: Are you travelling alone?

Passenger: _________________________.

Officer: Where will you be staying?

Passenger: I will be staying at ____________________.

Officer: How long are you intending to stay?

Passenger: For ___________________.

Officer: That’s fine, thank you. Next, please?

Part 7: Changing Money

· Can I change some money here?/ Where can I change money?
· I would like to change _________________ into __________please?
· What’s the exchange rate today?
· How much commission do you charge?

Part 8: Luggage Claim

· Where is the luggage claim?
· Where are the luggage trolleys?
· I can’t find my luggage?
· My luggage is lost.

Part 9: Getting Around From the Airport

· Where is the _____________?
· Do you have a street map?
· How do I get to ______________.
· Is there a ____________that goes into town.
· Where does it leave from?
· Where can I buy the ticket?
· Where can I get a taxi?

Activity: Airport Role-Play

· Check In
· Inside the Plane
· Immigrant Section

Idioms for Lesson 4:

Hang around
Hang out
Drop by
Help yourself

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